You see aam, the Attorney general is not been able to explain why they have not brought our clients and this makes it a very sad commentary because look, for the records, this suspect were arrested 8 days on the 28th December 2021, 8 days ago, that last Tuesday and for 8 days on you fail to bring them to court when the constitution makes it clear in article 14-3 that suspect or the accuse persons must be brought to court within 48 hours of arrest and you, even apart from the constitution we went to court in table Number 4 verses Attorney general Number 4 the supreme court said that 48 hours start counting, whether is a holiday, whether is a weekend or whether the court works are on strike or not 48 hours is 48 hours, yet ladies and gentlemen 8 days on, 8 days on the state has refused to bring this accuse persons to court and as far as we are aware they even gonna charge them for misdemeanor, when we say misdemeanor offences, these are offences usefully the punishment, assuming this applicate are guilty but if assuming without admitting if you were to find them guilty the punishment ranges from fines, up to maximum of 3 years of imprisonment, the punishment is a fine and up to maximum of 3 years imprisonment, so in ordinary language these are small offences, yes indeed small offences and yet you keep these citizens for 8 days without bring them to court, turning the constitution on it heads, for crying out loud, I think the state must do the needful this is too shameful in 2022, I mean, I just can't imagine. You can't keep suspect for 8 days throwing the constitution to the dogs, so that is the case.
Questions for the press
So you are to come back tomorrow, what do you expect tomorrow?.
That, as for tomorrow they must bring them because this is becoming too shameful, over misdemeanor offences, offences that are small offences, of what I have already explained and yet you keep these people for 8 days, then if this was murder charges then it means, I don't even know perhaps for years and that means that we have thrown the constitution to the dogs.
Thank you
You welcome.
Watch for yourselves what the lawyer said himself.......
For me I always says politics is meant to divide and rule, politics never unite but always divide for their selfish reasons and that has brought Bawku where they are now.
And the painful part of all is that both the Mamprusis and Kusasis elders knows the truth but one of them isn't telling the youth the truth.
As for politics powers always change, so what ever solutions given wrongly by government in power when powers changes the solved issue arises again, so my humble advice to government is, they should solve the Bawku problem without living scars in the heart 💖 of anybody (both parties) for a long lasting peace ✌️ in Bawku. The government should not make same mistakes the predecessor did.
Thanks for passing thru pls follow us and share to save Bawku. Put down your thoughts.
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